Adopted from a real incidence that happened in Muzaffar Nagar during the 2013 riots, the film follows a shooter Dev who has c...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Adopted from a real incidence that happened in Muzaffar Nagar during the 2013 riots, the film follows a shooter Dev who has come to his hometown Muzaffar Nagar on a break before his next competition. He falls for a woman preparing for IPS exam. While wooing her, he takes on some local goons harassing the villagers. As if that wasn't enough, the deadliest form of riots in the recent history of Uttar Pradesh breaks out in the town and Dev is forced to put everything at stake to save the ones he loves.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Adopted from a real incidence that happened in Muzaffar Nagar during the 2013 riots, the film follows a shooter Dev who has c...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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