Journalist Shreya receives unsettling news from her friend Vikram about a painter in North Calcutta named Picasso. Despite hi...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Journalist Shreya receives unsettling news from her friend Vikram about a painter in North Calcutta named Picasso. Despite his national acclaim, Picasso's portraits seem connected to mysterious deaths. Shreya, initially covering a murder incident involving Picasso, stumbles upon another death linked to a model painted by him. As she delves deeper, it becomes apparent that Picasso is involved in the murders. The story takes unexpected turns as Shreya's quest for truth intertwines with Picasso's sinister motives, leaving a suspense about the unfolding mystery.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Journalist Shreya receives unsettling news from her friend Vikram about a painter in North Calcutta named Picasso. Despite hi...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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