Narayani(Kubra) is an unassuming young woman with an extraordinary talent that sets her apart. However, her life has been mar...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Narayani(Kubra) is an unassuming young woman with an extraordinary talent that sets her apart. However, her life has been marked by bitterness since childhood, when the loss of her parents left her in the care of her uncle's family. While her uncle, Ambottimaman(Mukhundan), is a source of love and kindness, the rest of the family treats her with disdain, branding her as a harbinger of misfortune. Despite her deserving nature, Narayani endures a life filled with relentless struggles, holding onto hope for a future that truly reflects her worth.
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Narayani(Kubra) is an unassuming young woman with an extraordinary talent that sets her apart. However, her life has been mar...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
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