The film focuses on the lives of people living around a traffic signal in Mumbai, including an orphan named Silsila (Kunal Kh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film focuses on the lives of people living around a traffic signal in Mumbai, including an orphan named Silsila (Kunal Khemu), a little scavenger boy, a Gujrati girl selling clothes, a drug addict, a prostitute Noorie (Konkona Sen Sharma), and the local hafta collector, among others. These people do odd jobs at the traffic signal to earn their livelihood. Trouble ensues when Silsila gets caught up in a chain of events that threaten the very source of their income, the traffic signal.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film focuses on the lives of people living around a traffic signal in Mumbai, including an orphan named Silsila (Kunal Kh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Traffic Signal