The film is set in the fictional town of Balrampur where Vedvyas Tripathi (Vicky Kaushal) better known as Bhajan Kumar lives ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film is set in the fictional town of Balrampur where Vedvyas Tripathi (Vicky Kaushal) better known as Bhajan Kumar lives with his family headed by his father Pandit Siyaram Tripathi (Kumud Mishra). Bhajan Kumar’s life with his family was going well till a question on his identity arises that throws the city in a flurry of rumour and apprehension. Will he survive or fall prey to this onslaught?
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film is set in the fictional town of Balrampur where Vedvyas Tripathi (Vicky Kaushal) better known as Bhajan Kumar lives ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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