Shirshendur Diary
The decline of the 34 yrs domination of the Communist party in West Bengal was shortly preceded by an intolerable political turmoil, to which a famous Theatre and Film director shirshendu Ray falls victim. The Situation worsens when famous director Shirshendu Ray’s close friend and a dramatist and Film producer Firoz Ahemd is killed. An already mentally depressed Mr. Ray is shocked by this sudden unwanted incident. As the political turmoil still continues with hundreds of processions on the roads, every day the news reveals the death of an innocent countryman. While Bengal carries on her drastic, horrible daily life-famous director Mr. Ray gets such depressed that he has to be forcible taken to a mental asylum. After a long treatment in the mental asylum Mr. Ray becomes stable. Suddenly one day he goes missing from the asylum. The government takes over from this situation – the starting of the tale. Many days later at a desolate railway station far away from the city a relinquished bag is found which is later handed over to the police. Later this bag reveals a diary proving that the bag belongs to the missing director. The allotted investigation officer works on this case for many days & nights. Later he asks the wife of Mr. Ray and one of his students from the drama group to meet at Mr. Ray’s house. The officer starts reading the diary in front of the wife and the student – revealing the causes and the events responsible for Mr. Ray going missing. As we go on listening or rather seeing the tale we realize how Shirshendu’s wife, his student, we spectators and political and non-political personalities forcibly expelled him from our society, directly and indirectly.…..
Audio Available in: Bengali
The decline of the 34 yrs domination of the Communist party in West Bengal was shortly preceded by an intolerable political t...
Audio Available in: Bengali