Bhutnath arrives in Kolkata and lives with a devotional man named Brojorakhal. He is sent to a Brahma named Subinoy Babu, who...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Bhutnath arrives in Kolkata and lives with a devotional man named Brojorakhal. He is sent to a Brahma named Subinoy Babu, who employs Bhutnath in his sindur factory. Bhutnath meets the youngest bahu, Bouthan, and learns about the zamindars' lifestyle. Bouthan becomes addicted to alcohol and the zamindars lose their estates, money and power. One day, a group attacks and knocks Bhutnath unconscious. Years later, when demolished, he discovers a skeleton with jewelry, which he recognizes as his bouthan's.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Bhutnath arrives in Kolkata and lives with a devotional man named Brojorakhal. He is sent to a Brahma named Subinoy Babu, who...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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