The story revolves around Shyamrao Deshmukh (Sachin Pilgaonkar) and his family. Shyamrao is an education tycoon who aims to e...
Audio Available in: Marathi
The story revolves around Shyamrao Deshmukh (Sachin Pilgaonkar) and his family. Shyamrao is an education tycoon who aims to enter politics. Things take a turn with the entry of Shlok (Swwapil Joshi) who wants to destroy Shyamrao's political dream. But why does he intend to do so? What past does the story hold? How does Shyamrao protect his family and his political dream from Shlok?
Audio Available in: Marathi
The story revolves around Shyamrao Deshmukh (Sachin Pilgaonkar) and his family. Shyamrao is an education tycoon who aims to e...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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