Portaborton is a suspense drama that is based on the complicated lives of a group of friends. The movie has a complex storyli...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Portaborton is a suspense drama that is based on the complicated lives of a group of friends. The movie has a complex storyline that is very gripping, as it explores the emotional upheaval in the daily lives of Leela, her younger sister Shaathi, Shubho their love interest, Megha and Vishal, Madam Titli, Mr. Shomu, the detective, the businessman’s son Angshu and his love interest, and many other characters. The movie explores themes of emotional dysconnectivity in the modern age, it shows the complications of family life now and the consequences it brings in one’s life. The movie has several plot turns and dramatic twists, with several character and story development complications and is set up very fluidly. The movie ends on a happy note where all evil plans are won over by the good side, like always. And all returns back to normalcy.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Portaborton is a suspense drama that is based on the complicated lives of a group of friends. The movie has a complex storyli...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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