Set during British India, this story follows the journey of a poetically-inclined Rajesh (Rajesh Khanna) living in a small to...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set during British India, this story follows the journey of a poetically-inclined Rajesh (Rajesh Khanna) living in a small town with his brother Brijesh (Trilok Kapoor), his sister-in-law and his niece. While Brijesh is actively involved in trying to force their oppressors leave India, Rajesh has no interest in politics. Things change when Brijesh gets killed, and Rajesh decides to avenge his death by becoming a freedom fighter. He also abandons his love, Kamini (Mumtaz) due to the fear that he might die during his struggle and leave her a widow. Kamini then gets married to Dheeraj (Shashi Kapoor), a police inspector and a friend of Rajesh. But when Dheeraj realises that Rajesh and Kamini shared a past relationship, he doesn't take the news well.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set during British India, this story follows the journey of a poetically-inclined Rajesh (Rajesh Khanna) living in a small to...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Prem Kahani