Postmaster is a social drama that is based on the life of ups and downs of a closely-knit joint family, residing in rural Bengal, before the time of Freedom. Our main protagonist is shown to be a maverick in all sense, trying to bring about the change of education and free thought into the limited mind-space of the controlling and judgmental society that he is in. The movie deals with many issues such as patriarchy and all its ill effects, woman subjugation and dominance, unequal rights and freedom constraints played on women and the likes. It explores themes of relationships, the expectations of a family on the shoulders of the new generation, and the troubles and pains of the weak, poor, and misfortunate. The movie has been very well thought out, with a gripping storyline. All characters, especially our lead, Ratna, Kumar, Abani, Nando, and the rest who make the movie worth watching. It ends on a happy and good note, where all problems are resolved and there are peace and balance in the system.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Postmaster is a social drama that is based on the life of ups and downs of a closely-knit joint family, residing in rural Ben...
Audio Available in: Bengali