Marking Joju George’s directorial debut, ‘Pani’ is an action-thriller noted for its emotional depth and mass appeal. In a tal...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Marking Joju George’s directorial debut, ‘Pani’ is an action-thriller noted for its emotional depth and mass appeal. In a tale of power, loyalty and vengeance, two young men disrupt peace in the city and threaten the family of Giri, the local kingpin. A cat-and-mouse game ensues as a furious Giri resorts to escalating violence in his quest for retribution. The film also stars Sagar Surya, Junaiz V. P., Bobby Kurian and Abhinaya.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Marking Joju George’s directorial debut, ‘Pani’ is an action-thriller noted for its emotional depth and mass appeal. In a tal...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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