Nayantara, once a celebrated theatre artiste, faces a drastic turn in her life as her husband, Manik Dutta, succumbs to vices...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Nayantara, once a celebrated theatre artiste, faces a drastic turn in her life as her husband, Manik Dutta, succumbs to vices, leaving her to bear the financial burden. Despite her hardships, Nayantara becomes the sole provider for her son Kumar, who later struggles with his electronics shop. The mother-son relationship remains enigmatic, and their modest life takes a tragic turn when Nayantara succumbs to cancer, marking the end of a lifetime filled with challenges.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Nayantara, once a celebrated theatre artiste, faces a drastic turn in her life as her husband, Manik Dutta, succumbs to vices...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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