Yusuf, a medical student and the son of an esteemed doctor, falls for a young girl named Najma. Their secret rendezvous stren...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Yusuf, a medical student and the son of an esteemed doctor, falls for a young girl named Najma. Their secret rendezvous strengthen their love. When his father states that it is time for him to get married, Yusuf is thrilled and wishes to introduce Najma to him. But his marriage is fixed with Raziya, an uneducated village girl. Yusuf's protests fall on deaf ears, and he is married against his will. Parting ways takes a toll on each of their lives until another set of problems strikes the love birds.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Yusuf, a medical student and the son of an esteemed doctor, falls for a young girl named Najma. Their secret rendezvous stren...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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