Mangalam Veettil Manasewari Gupta is a comedy Malayalam film directed by Suresh Vinu, starring Jayaram and Vani Vishwanath. T...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Mangalam Veettil Manasewari Gupta is a comedy Malayalam film directed by Suresh Vinu, starring Jayaram and Vani Vishwanath. The story revolves around a grandfather who tries to fix a groom for his grand daughter Maya who returns from Mumbai. However, what he is unaware of is that she is already married to photographer Jayadevan. There is a parallel plot line running where few underworld dons are trying to retrieve a few diamonds from Maya; which she possesses unknowingly.
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Mangalam Veettil Manasewari Gupta is a comedy Malayalam film directed by Suresh Vinu, starring Jayaram and Vani Vishwanath. T...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
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Mangalam Veettil Manasewari Gupta