Suresh Sinha, a film director faded into obscurity, reminisces about his earlier days after visiting a Bombay film studio. As...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Suresh Sinha, a film director faded into obscurity, reminisces about his earlier days after visiting a Bombay film studio. As a celebrated director of his time, he was married to a beautiful woman and had a daughter. His life took a turn however when he stumbled upon an orphaned woman Shanti and discovered star potential in her. He cast her in his film as a lead and fell in love with her. As Shanti's career took off, Suresh's personal and professional life plunged downwards to a point of no return.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Suresh Sinha, a film director faded into obscurity, reminisces about his earlier days after visiting a Bombay film studio. As...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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