The Chowdhurys were once known for their notorious methods of income, but the youngest zamindar seemed indifferent to his res...
Audio Available in: Bengali
The Chowdhurys were once known for their notorious methods of income, but the youngest zamindar seemed indifferent to his responsibilities. He was set to marry a beautiful lady named Indrani, whom he loved deeply. However, he rescued a poor woman named Banalata from a cruel zamindar, Parantap, and ended up marrying her instead. When he returned home, his grandfather initially rejected Banalata but eventually accepted her. Indrani, heartbroken by the turn of events, chose to marry Parantap but faced severe difficulties in her new life.
Audio Available in: Bengali
The Chowdhurys were once known for their notorious methods of income, but the youngest zamindar seemed indifferent to his res...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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