In a village, Raju, along with his friends Saddam, Riaz, Chitti, and Parsha, enjoys roaming around the town. The lovers of th...
Audio Available in: Telugu
In a village, Raju, along with his friends Saddam, Riaz, Chitti, and Parsha, enjoys roaming around the town. The lovers of the cheated boys are kidnapped and killed one by one. The police do not understand how the kidnappings are happening or who is responsible. They try to catch the kidnappers. News reporters talk about the kidnappings on the news channel. Raju sends a video to the news saying that he has been cheated, and that is why he is doing all this. Raju goes to Chitra and kills her too.
Audio Available in: Telugu
In a village, Raju, along with his friends Saddam, Riaz, Chitti, and Parsha, enjoys roaming around the town. The lovers of th...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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