Ghulam-E-Mustafa revolves around a contract killer named Mustafa (Nana Patekar). Adopted by a powerful don Shanta Prasad (Par...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Ghulam-E-Mustafa revolves around a contract killer named Mustafa (Nana Patekar). Adopted by a powerful don Shanta Prasad (Paresh Rawal), he learns the crime tactics and becomes Shanta’s weapon to attain his illicit goals. When he comes of age, Mustafa falls in love and gets married to Kavita (Raveena Tandon), but soon Abba’s enemies, the Verma brothers, murder her while attempting to murder Abba. Kavita’s death makes Mustafa give up the life of crime and lead a normal one. The story then depicts Mustafa’s honest attempts to lead a normal life, but will the life he has left behind, let him?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Ghulam-E-Mustafa revolves around a contract killer named Mustafa (Nana Patekar). Adopted by a powerful don Shanta Prasad (Par...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Ghulam E Mustafa