Dui Bon is a family drama that is based on the story of two sisters that are separated at birth and their different lives and...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Dui Bon is a family drama that is based on the story of two sisters that are separated at birth and their different lives and how they finally meet each other. It is based on the theme that love and respect are not bound by wealth or status, but are in man’s own nature. It shows the greed and jealousy of man and how it only spoils a happy life. The movie has comical elements and action sequences, along with a lot of twists to keep you engrossed. It makes you understand the importance of being true and just even in bad situations; that good always wins over evil.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Dui Bon is a family drama that is based on the story of two sisters that are separated at birth and their different lives and...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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Dui Bon