A series of mysterious burglaries leave the police suspecting Tony (Dharmendra), a thief, but he claims to be innocent. While...
Audio Available in: Hindi
A series of mysterious burglaries leave the police suspecting Tony (Dharmendra), a thief, but he claims to be innocent. While carrying out a heist, he comes across Sandhya (Tanuja) stealing from the same wealthy man and confronts her. She tells him that she is taking back what is really her inheritance. All the stolen items belonged to her mother. While on their unusual escapades, they fall in love and Tony helps her recover all her valuables. But where will this lead them? And why is Sandhya so hell-bent on stealing?
Audio Available in: Hindi
A series of mysterious burglaries leave the police suspecting Tony (Dharmendra), a thief, but he claims to be innocent. While...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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