Chobbar is a Punjabi movie in which Jayy Randhawa played the role of a boy named Saabi who grew up watching his father's race...
Audio Available in: Punjabi
Chobbar is a Punjabi movie in which Jayy Randhawa played the role of a boy named Saabi who grew up watching his father's race death every day and grew up to be a showman himself but not for the survival of the family. His passion and love for the wheel of death take him to the world of crime. Directed by Maneesh Bhatt, written by - Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan, and Manilla Rattan. The movie casts Jayy Randhawa, Drishti Talwar, Honey Mattu, and Sukhwinder Chahal.
Audio Available in: Punjabi
Chobbar is a Punjabi movie in which Jayy Randhawa played the role of a boy named Saabi who grew up watching his father's race...
Audio Available in: Punjabi
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