Biswas Abiswas
The story is as Ranajit Roy Chowdhuri is a smuggler and tortured his wife Radha. Radha goes to her mother's house where she stays with her brothers Amit and Milan. After their fathers death Amit takes the responsibility to establish Milan and for that he sacrifices a lot. Milan goes to the city to study. On the other hand, the accident Radha lost her own son. In time Raja comes in touch with their family and becomes a family member. Milan falls in love with Rama, the daughter of a businessman. Thay get married. but Rama's father tries to break their family. Rama and Milan got separated from the family. Amit with his family takes shelter in Raja's place and there they come to know that Raja is the lost son. Ranajit Chowdhwri kidnaps Milan to take revenge on Rama's father. Raja goes to save and comes to know that Ranajit is his father. Finally, Ranajit is arrested and the family is united again.
Audio Available in: Bengali
The story is as Ranajit Roy Chowdhuri is a smuggler and tortured his wife Radha. Radha goes to her mother's house where she s...
Audio Available in: Bengali