Bal Ganesh 2 is the sequel to the widely admired animated kids movie, Bal Ganesh (2007). Lord Ganesha evolves from a mischiev...
Audio Available in: English
Bal Ganesh 2 is the sequel to the widely admired animated kids movie, Bal Ganesh (2007). Lord Ganesha evolves from a mischievous little boy, who is not only innocent but also intelligent, to a young elephant-headed god, who embarks on a series of adventures with his friends to defeat evil forces. Shot in 3D, this movie is a highly entertaining way for young kids to learn about Indian gods. Filled with foot-tapping music and a million laughs, this is a complete entertainment package.
Audio Available in: English
Bal Ganesh 2 is the sequel to the widely admired animated kids movie, Bal Ganesh (2007). Lord Ganesha evolves from a mischiev...
Audio Available in: English
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