The story revolves around Sunil Mehta when he is stuck in a mammoth ferris wheel with an attractive girl due to a power failu...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story revolves around Sunil Mehta when he is stuck in a mammoth ferris wheel with an attractive girl due to a power failure. He arrives home the next day, and meets a very suspicious wife, Geeta, who knows that he has been up to no good. She denies to accept his story around the slowed down ferris wheel, and he designs a story about spending the night with a fictitious friend named Champak Bhumia. Geeta does not believe this and decides to write to him to come and visit her. Sunil then convinces his friend, Amit Desai, to pretend that he is Champak, and thus convince Geeta that he was indeed telling the truth. Amit agrees to do so, and everything goes according to plan - until a real and amorous Champak Bhumia shows up - resulting in hilarious chaos.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story revolves around Sunil Mehta when he is stuck in a mammoth ferris wheel with an attractive girl due to a power failu...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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