The stroy revolves around a foreign retuned bachelor, Vikram who belongs to a wealthy family. He has a stepsister Dolly and s...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The stroy revolves around a foreign retuned bachelor, Vikram who belongs to a wealthy family. He has a stepsister Dolly and stepmother Sulochana who are very cunning and greedy and cheat Vikram's money during his absence from India. Vikram decides to come back to India which disturbs the plans of Sulochana. During his arrival he is blocked by some looters who are actually the men hired by Sulochana's brother to kill him. But a village girl Chanda and her friends help him and drive away the looters. Vikram and Chanda fall in love, but Sulochana is against the marriage. Will Vikram marry Chanda? Will he learn about Sulochana's real plan?
Audio Available in: Hindi
The stroy revolves around a foreign retuned bachelor, Vikram who belongs to a wealthy family. He has a stepsister Dolly and s...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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